HomePricesGemini Dollar

Gemini Dollar Price

$0.999 0.000%
Market cap$163,268,998.61
Volume (24h)$581,133.01
Highest price (24h)$1.001
Circulating supply163,432,431.04 GUSD

What info is displayed on GUSD price chart?

The Paybis GUSD price chart displays the following data:

  • Live GUSD price

  • Current Market Cap of Gemini Dollar

  • 24hr Volume of GUSD

  • Highest price of GUSD in the last 24 hours

  • Circulating supply of Gemini Dollar

  • Price of GUSD in 50+ fiat currencies

Find out more with the GUSD calculator.

Gemini Dollar price today

GUSD represents a critical component in the cryptocurrency market, especially for those seeking stability in the volatile crypto space. 

While the Gemini Dollar price today remains pegged to the US Dollar, understanding its market dynamics is still vital.

Users can utilize the Paybis price chart to:

  • Monitor the GUSD price in real-time.

  • Analyze the market capitalization and trading volume of GUSD.

  • Compare the GUSD value against various fiat currencies.

This comprehensive tool helps users stay informed about the Gemini Dollar's current market status.

Analyzing Gemini Dollar price trends

Understanding the price trends of GUSD is essential, even for a stablecoin. The Paybis Gemini Dollar price tracker aids users in:

  • Observing the stability of GUSD against market fluctuations.

  • Gauging the trust and adoption rate of Gemini Dollar in the broader cryptocurrency market.

  • Identifying patterns in trading volumes and market cap changes.

These insights are crucial for making informed decisions, especially for those utilizing GUSD for trading or as a digital cash alternative.

What is Gemini Dollar?

Gemini Dollar (GUSD) is a stablecoin that ties its value to the US Dollar, offering a digital alternative to traditional fiat currency. 

So, 1 GUSD to USD would be almost of the same value.

Operated by the Gemini Trust Company, GUSD aims to bridge the gap between the traditional finance world and the emerging digital asset economy. GUSD is utilized for trading, sending, and receiving money across the blockchain with the stability of a fiat currency. 

This stability makes it a preferred choice for traders and investors looking to avoid the volatility typically associated with cryptocurrencies.

Who invented GUSD?

Gemini Dollar was launched by the Winklevoss twins, Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, known for their significant involvement in the cryptocurrency space and as co-founders of the Gemini cryptocurrency exchange.

How Gemini Dollar Works

Gemini Dollar operates as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, ensuring high security and interoperability with various cryptocurrency platforms and services. The key aspects of GUSD include:

  • Fiat Backing: Each GUSD is backed 1:1 by the US Dollar, held in reserve by the Gemini Trust Company. Regular audits ensure transparency and trust in the GUSD's value.

  • Blockchain Technology: Utilizing the Ethereum blockchain offers GUSD the advantages of decentralization, security, and transparency.

  • Use Cases: GUSD can be used for a range of activities including trading, remittances, and as a stable digital cash equivalent in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

How will GUSD price change in the future?

The future of Gemini Dollar hinges on the broader adoption and trust in stablecoins. As regulatory landscapes evolve and the crypto market matures, GUSD could see changes in its usage and perception. Key factors to watch include:

  • Regulatory developments around stablecoins.

  • Adoption rates of GUSD in digital transactions and trading.

  • Innovations in the stablecoin market that could impact GUSD's position. While the value is expected to remain stable, these factors will influence Gemini Dollar's role in the crypto ecosystem.


What is the price of one Gemini Dollar?

The price of one Gemini Dollar (GUSD) is typically equivalent to one US Dollar. For the latest price, please refer to the chart above.

Who has the most Gemini Dollar?

Information on the largest holders of Gemini Dollar is not publicly disclosed. It is held by a variety of individual and institutional investors.

How much Gemini Dollar is left?

Gemini Dollar (GUSD) is a stablecoin backed 1:1 by US dollars, so its supply is not capped and varies based on demand and the amount of USD held in reserve.