
Crypto Widget Terms of Use

This Crypto Widget Terms & Conditions Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between PAYBIS LTD ("PAYBIS LTD" or "we"), and you, ("you" or "User") the party utilizing the Crypto Widget (the "Widget"). The terms and conditions contained in this Agreement apply to your use of the Widget provided by PAYBIS LTD. By using the Widget, you expressly consent to all the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


The Widget allows users to share a link to the PAYBIS widget where others can purchase cryptocurrencies. Users may also pre-set some fields for convenience. The following terms and conditions are established to ensure the proper and legal use of the Widget.


To ensure clarity and understanding, the following terms are defined:

  • General Terms of Use: The terms and conditions that an End Customer accepts when making a purchase, available at Paybis General Terms of Service.
  • Eligible Users: Private individuals who want to share a link to enable End Customers to buy cryptocurrency easily and simply.
  • End Customers: Customers who are making a purchase using the Widget.
  • Restricted Jurisdictions: Jurisdictions where the services are not available, as detailed in the General Terms of Service.

Detailed Description of the Widget

The Widget enables Eligible Users to share a payment link with buyers or sellers (End Customers). Through this link, End Customers can buy and sell cryptocurrency from Paybis, as per the General Terms of Use available at https://paybis.com/policies/terms-of-service/. The Widget is a simplified version of the Paybis.com platform, offering customers an even easier and more hassle-free way to buy or sell cryptocurrency. It also simplifies the process of sharing and earning referral fees. Eligible Users can customize the Widget by pre-setting specific fields such as the amount, currency type, and transaction details, thereby streamlining the process for End Customers. The Widget follows all the same processes and procedures as the Paybis.com platform, ensuring secure and compliant transactions in adherence to the legal and regulatory standards set forth by Paybis.

User Obligations

By using the Widget, you agree to the following obligations:

  • Compliance with Laws: You must comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations regarding your use of the Widget.
  • Prohibited Activities: You agree not to use the Widget for any of the following purposes:
    • Gambling-related activities
    • Sale of illegal content
    • Sale or distribution of illegal drugs or substances
    • Sale or distribution of counterfeit goods
    • Fraudulent activities
    • Money laundering
    • Terrorist financing
    • Any form of exploitation, including human trafficking
    • Any other illicit activities
    • Any activities that infringe upon the intellectual property or personal rights of others
  • Verification for Commissions: All referral and affiliate partners must complete verification to be eligible for commission payments.
  • Personal Use: The Widget is intended for personal use only and not for commercial purposes without explicit permission from PAYBIS LTD.
  • No Misrepresentation: You must not make any representations, warranties, or other statements concerning PAYBIS LTD or its products or services except as expressly authorized by PAYBIS LTD.

Payment of Commissions

  • Commission Structure: We will pay you a commission of 20% from the revenue generated through the Widget. Commissions are paid out monthly, provided that your account balance is above $50.
  • Payment Conditions: Commissions are dependent on PAYBIS LTD receiving funds from its clients. PAYBIS LTD is only liable for commissions to the extent that it has received such funds.
  • Invoice Generation: PAYBIS LTD will generate invoices on your behalf for all commissions payable and remit payment based on those invoices.
  • Disputes: If you dispute any portion of an invoice, you must submit the dispute in writing within thirty (30) days of the invoice date. If you do not dispute the invoice within this period, you waive any claims based on that invoice.


You agree that all information concerning PAYBIS LTD or any of its affiliates provided by or on behalf of them shall remain strictly confidential and secret, except as required for your participation in the Widget program.

Limited License & Intellectual Property

PAYBIS LTD grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable, revocable right to use the Widget and related materials solely in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. You may not alter, modify, or create derivative works of the Widget or any PAYBIS LTD materials.


This Agreement commences upon your use of the Widget and continues until terminated by either party. You may terminate your use at any time by ceasing to use the Widget. PAYBIS LTD may terminate your use at any time and for any reason by disabling the Widget or providing written notice to you. Upon termination, you must cease all use of and delete all Widget-related materials.


PAYBIS LTD reserves the right to delete any actions submitted through your Widget and withhold any unpaid commissions if:

  • PAYBIS LTD determines you have violated this Agreement.
  • PAYBIS LTD receives complaints about your use of the Widget that reasonably indicate a violation of this Agreement.
  • Any Qualified Action is later determined not to meet the requirements set forth in this Agreement.

Anti-Spam Policy

You must comply with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. All emails sent in connection with the Widget must include an opt-out link. PAYBIS LTD may request to review your email content for compliance.


You are prohibited from using any persons, means, devices, or arrangements to commit fraud or violate any applicable law in connection with the Widget. PAYBIS LTD will determine fraudulent activity at its sole discretion.

Representations and Warranties

You represent and warrant that you have the authority to enter into this Agreement and that your use of the Widget will not violate any applicable laws.


PAYBIS LTD reserves the right to modify any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement at any time. Changes will become effective immediately upon posting. Your continued use of the Widget after changes have been posted constitutes acceptance of the new terms.

Independent Investigation

You acknowledge that you have read this Agreement and agree to its terms. You have independently evaluated the desirability of using the Widget and are not relying on any representation, guarantee, or statement other than as set forth in this Agreement.

Mutual Indemnification

  • Indemnification by User: You agree to indemnify PAYBIS LTD and its affiliates against any claims, losses, or damages arising from your use of the Widget or breach of this Agreement.
  • Indemnification by PAYBIS LTD: PAYBIS LTD agrees to indemnify you against any claims that PAYBIS LTD is not authorized to provide you with the Widget.

Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability

  • Disclaimers: The Widget is provided "as is." PAYBIS LTD disclaims all warranties, including implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
  • Limitation of Liability: PAYBIS LTD's liability is limited to the amount paid to you in commissions during the six (6) months immediately prior to the claim.

Governing Law & Miscellaneous

  • Governing Law: This Agreement is governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which PAYBIS LTD is located.
  • Miscellaneous: This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. PAYBIS LTD may assign this Agreement with notice to you. If any provision is held invalid, the remaining provisions will continue in effect. Each party is an independent contractor.

By using the Widget, you affirm that you have read this Agreement in its entirety and agree to be bound by all its terms and conditions. If you do not agree, you should not use the Widget. If accessing this Agreement on behalf of a business entity, you represent that you have the authority to bind that entity to this Agreement.