Binance Coin Calculator
Rate does not include Paybis fees
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Getting started with our BNB to USD converter
First things first: it's actually more than just a BNB to USD calculator. It works with hundreds of other cryptos and 50+ international currencies; click the drop-down menus to access them.
When you've selected your preferred currency, just type in the amount of Binance Coin in the left field. This BNB calculator works automatically, so you immediately see how much it is worth.
You can also enter the amount of currency in the right window; this will show you how much BNB you could get for it.
Please note this is just an estimate. To see exactly how much you would get, click Buy now — this will show you the exact amount including all commissions and fees. And, of course, when you see a good deal you can actually buy your BNB on this very page!
Why use this tool
Our BNB converter is built with ease-of-use in mind; this makes it perfect for anyone who's interested in crypto.
If you're new to crypto, this tool is a great starting point: it provides the exact information you need to get going.
If you're an experienced crypto investor, this is a great quick reference page to keep bookmarked. It works perfectly as a simple BNB to USD converter, yet advanced features are just a few clicks away.
And, last but not least, it is a great place to actually buy crypto once you find the perfect opportunity!
Why choose our BNB calculator?
- It may be a simple, intuitive tool, but there's a powerful engine under the hood. Our BNB converter is automatically updated with the latest rates, so you get the most current, most accurate estimates in the currency of your choice.
- This service is provided by Paybis, a leading cryptocurrency exchange. This means that you can get your BNB on this very page! Rest assured, buying crypto with us is just as simple and accessible as using this BNB calculator.
- It is backed by excellent customer service. We built this calculator so simple and intuitive that you can get started on your own. Still, when you move to buying crypto, we are always here to help and provide all the assistance you need.
- It is available to people around the world. USD estimates may not work for all people. With our Binance coin calculator, you can see the estimate in a currency you're familiar with. Moreover, when you're ready to make a purchase, we are just as accessible. We provide exceptional coverage and accept all kinds of local IDs.
Learn more about Binance Coin
Binance Coin, unlike many other cryptos, actually does have a single issuer: Binance, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world.
There is a limited amount of BNB in existence, and — again, unlike many cryptos — this amount is actually decreasing. Binance regularly buys back and destroys some of the BNB in circulation in what's known as “coin burning”.
BNB is used to pay for commissions and fees on the Binance exchange, and its rate is inevitably tied to performance of its issuer. Still, it is a crypto currency in its own right, and you can invest in it even if you prefer another exchange — such as Paybis!
See for yourself! Scroll up and type in how much you would be ready to invest. Then, click Buy now — and you will see just how easy, safe, and simple it is to buy BNB with us!