Buy Binance Coin (BEP 20) with SPEI
How to Buy Binance Coin (BEP 20) with SPEI
Yes! Our secure payment processing platform supports various payment methods and is used by millions of users worldwide. Our platform facilitates purchases of over 30+ cryptocurrencies with over $800,000,000+ annual purchase volume. At Paybis we follow all the regulations and implement the latest security standards. Your safety is our top priority!
Yes! SPEI is an available payment method for all of the cryptocurrencies on our Paybis platform. Purchasing crypto with SPEI is fast, easy, and can be done directly through your local bank (where supported). Just choose the desired cryptocurrency and specify the amount!
Just follow our step-by-step guide described above and receive your BNB instantly! You need to create an account, specify the amount of crypto you want to get, then complete the transaction with SPEI and then crypto will be in your wallet within 5 minutes. It is like any other online purchase with SPEI! In case additional help is needed, do not hesitate to reach out to our friendly support team!
If your bank supports SPEI, you can buy crypto online through Paybis. Don’t have SPEI? Our platform facilitates transactions from 47 different fiat currencies with different payment methods, including credit cards!
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