How to use the LTC to USD tool
Before you purchase any of the cryptocurrencies available on the Paybis exchange, it’s always a good idea to estimate their current value. Here’s how to do so by using the Litecoin to Dollar tool found on this page:
There are two input fields in our estimation tool. On the left, input the amount of Litecoin to US Dollar you wish to evaluate.
The right field is reserved for fiat currencies, in our case US Dollars.
Once you type in the desired amount of LTC, the LTC to USD tool will automatically estimate the USD value using current market prices.
You can also reverse this process. Simply type in the amount of US Dollars in the right field, and the LTC/USD service will display the corresponding LTC value instead.
By clicking the “Buy now” button, you will access our dashboard, where you can easily purchase LTC. The platform will save your previously entered amount, so you can proceed with your purchase instantly.
Note: If you wish to estimate the value of another cryptocurrency, simply select it from the drop-down menu. In the small pop-up window, use the search bar to find the desired cryptocurrency. The same can be done with different fiat currencies, using the right drop-down menu.
Benefits of the Litecoin to USD service
Using this service offers a wide range of benefits for investors and traders alike, including:
Easy access to the latest LTC to Dollar prices - in a volatile market such as cryptocurrencies, market prices can fluctuate rapidly in a matter of minutes. For this reason, it’s essential to have access to the latest Litecoin to USD prices at all times.
Precise LTC-USD estimation - the tool displays the LTC price in up to 8 decimals. This allows you to precisely estimate the value of your upcoming cryptocurrency purchase.
Instant automatic calculations - the tool does the math, so you won’t need to. You won’t have to recalculate the price each time you want to change the amount, as the tool will do this automatically for you.
Beginner-friendly and intuitive - by using this page, you won’t have to go through complicated charts to assess the LTC price. The intuitive interface will help you quickly estimate the Litecoin to USD price, regardless of your skill level.
Staying up to date with the LTC to Dollar prices
To conclude, the estimation tool on this page helps you to effortlessly get up to speed with the latest cryptocurrency prices. Whether you are sporadically investing or buying cryptocurrencies on a regular basis, this page is an exceptional addition to any crypto enthusiast’s toolset. So if you are ready to take the next step, proceed by buying LTC instantly on Paybis.