Elrond Price

$22.99 -1.943%
Market cap$642,151,464.59
Volume (24h)$25,872,533.57
Highest price (24h)$24.37
Circulating supply27,952,621 EGLD

Why track EGLD price?

Tracking EGLD (formerly Elrond) price with the help of Paybis EGLD price chart assists you with the following (directly or indirectly):

  • Performance Tracking: Investors who hold EGLD would be interested in monitoring their investment's performance over time, whether it’s appreciating or depreciating.
  • Portfolio Management: To properly manage a diversified portfolio, it is important to keep track of the value of each asset, including EGLD.
  • Buy/Sell Decisions: Traders look for price movements and trends in EGLD to make buy/sell decisions and to identify the right entry and exit points.
  • Profit Maximization: Timely information on price can help in maximizing profits and minimizing losses.
  • Market Analysis: Tracking EGLD value can help in understanding the market sentiment and overall trends in the cryptocurrency market.
  • Forecasting: Historical price data is crucial for making price predictions and identifying patterns and trends.
  • Exposure Management: Tracking the MultiversX price is crucial for managing exposure and understanding the risk associated with holding EGLD.

What info is displayed on the EGLD price chart?

Paybis’s EGLD price USD chart shows you the following:

  • Live EGLD price
  • Current Market Cap of EGLD
  • 24-hour Volume of EGLD
  • The highest price of EGLD in the last 24 hours
  • Circulating supply of EGLD
  • Price of MultiversX in 50+ fiat currencies

Use this arsenal of information facilitate your research into EGLD and MultiversX price now.

MultiversX price history

Below is the MultiversX price history since 2020:

  • 2020: EGLD was launched in September 2020 and started trading at around $6.51. It ended the year at around $16.00. This represents a price increase of over 145% in just a few months. The rise in EGLD's price in 2020 was likely due to a number of factors, including the launch of mainnet, the growing popularity of DeFi, and the listing of EGLD on major cryptocurrency exchanges.
  • 2021: EGLD had a breakout year in 2021, with its price increasing from around $25 in January to over $545 in November. This was driven by a number of factors, including the launch of the Maiar DEX on the MultiversX blockchain
  • 2022: EGLD's price fell sharply in 2022, along with the broader cryptocurrency market. The coin's all-time high of $545.64 was reached on November 23, 2021, and it has been on a downward trend ever since.

MultiversX price today

The current EGLD price is trending sideways with a slight downward trend. The overall mood of investors can significantly impact the price of MultiversX.
With Paybis, users can stay on top of the current MultiversX price from anywhere in the world for free. We use real-time data to help you keep track of a cryptocurrency’s price accurately.
If you see a price that you like, you can lock it right away for 15 minutes by clicking the buy EGLD button.

Analyzing MultiversX price trends 

Analyzing EGLD price trends is a crucial first step in your efforts to make an investment. Of course, past performance does not guarantee future returns. But, looking at historical prices and correlating them with real-world events will certainly make you a better decision-maker than you already were.
The Paybis price chart can assist you in your analysis by displaying historical prices in multiple currencies, not just USD.
Stay on top of your MultiversX trading gaming with the help of Paybis.

How will EGLD price change in the future?

It's impossible to predict with certainty how the price of EGLD or any other cryptocurrency will change in the future due to the inherent volatility and unpredictability in the cryptocurrency markets. Prices of cryptocurrencies are affected by various factors, including market demand, investor sentiment, regulatory developments, technological advancements, and macroeconomic trends, among others. 
Nevertheless, you can use the EGLD price tracker from Paybis to make your own speculations. But please bear in mind that speculating crypto prices is very risky and Paybis does not provide any financial advice or risk management solutions.

What is MultiversX?

MultiversX (formerly Elrond) is a highly scalable, secure, and decentralized blockchain platform for distributed apps, enterprise use cases, and the new Internet economy. It is designed to enable radically new applications for users, businesses, society, and the new metaverse frontier.

Who invented MultiversX?

MultiversX, formerly known as Elrond, was invented by Beniamin Mincu, Lucian Mincu, and Lucian Todea in 2017. The trio founded a company called MultiversX Network to develop and promote the platform.

How MultiversX works

MultiversX works by using a sharding mechanism to divide the network into smaller groups, each of which is responsible for processing a subset of the transactions. This allows the network to process transactions much faster than traditional blockchains, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.
MultiversX also uses a Secure Proof-of-Stake (SPoS) consensus mechanism, which is more energy-efficient and secure than traditional Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanisms. 
Here is a simplified overview of how MultiversX works:

  1. A user initiates a transaction on the MultiversX network.
  2. The transaction is routed to a shard, which is a group of nodes responsible for processing transactions.
  3. The nodes in the shard verify the transaction and add it to their local blockchains.
  4. Once the transaction has been verified by all of the nodes in the shard, it is broadcast to the metachain.
  5. The metachain is a central blockchain that coordinates the different shards and ensures that all of the transactions are processed correctly.
  6. Once the transaction has been processed by the metachain, it is considered final and cannot be reversed.


What's the current value of MultiversX?

Check the Paybis EGLD price tracker for the most recent valuation of the token. At Paybis, we update the price in real-time.

Who are the top holders of EGLD?

The top 10 EGLD holders control over 50% of the circulating supply. The top 5 EGLD holders are: MultiversX Network, Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, Huobi Global.

How many people own EGLD?

There are currently over 1.2 million unique EGLD holders (wallets). Note that one person may own multiple wallets.

What impacts EGLD’s price?

Like any other asset, EGLD's price is impacted by a variety of factors, including overall market sentiment, supply and demand, news and events, ddoption.

What's the peak value EGLD has achieved?

MutliversX worth reached its all-time high of $545.64 on November 23, 2021. Follow the EGLD price chart by Paybis to keep track of EGLD when it hits a new all time high.