
Fetch.ai Price

$0.7924 -1.478%
Market cap$2,169,318,265.79
Volume (24h)$138,283,487.38
Highest price (24h)$0.8208
Circulating supply2,714,493,896.672 FET

What info is displayed on FET price chart? 

The Paybis FET price chart provides comprehensive data to analyze Fetch.ai value:

  • Live FET price

  • Current Market Cap of FET

  • 24hr Volume of FET

  • Highest price of FET in the last 24 hours

  • Circulating supply of FET

  • Price of FET in 50+ fiat currencies 

Leverage the information from the Fetch.ai calculator for a holistic view of the FET market dynamics.

Fetch.ai price today

The importance of FET, as a medium of exchange within the Fetch.ai ecosystem, is critical to its function and influence within the broader cryptocurrency market.

Observing Fetch.ai price now is more than a number; it's about understanding the ecosystem and the tech behind it.

To monitor the Fetch.ai price today, users can:

  • Compare FET against different time frames to spot trends.

  • Use the currency converter to see FET prices in various fiat currencies.

  • Utilize the live Fetch.ai price tracker to monitor real-time market cap and trading volume.

While we provide the current Fetch.ai price, please note the value is constantly in flux due to market dynamics.

Analyzing Fetch.ai price trends 

Understanding Fetch.ai price trends is crucial, as FET's unique proposition in AI and IoT contributes to its market behavior. The Paybis FET price chart is an indispensable tool for both beginners and seasoned traders, offering:

  • Real-time FET price updates.

  • Historical price data for trend analysis.

  • A snapshot of the market's health through trading volume and market cap.

Such insights can be critical in making informed investment decisions in the volatile world of cryptocurrency.

What is Fetch.ai?

Fetch.ai is a pioneering artificial intelligence-driven blockchain platform, engineered to connect the Internet of Things (IoT) devices and algorithms to enable their collective learning.

It uses a native currency, FET, to power transactions and incentivize the decentralized network of nodes. By harnessing the power of machine learning and AI, Fetch.ai aims to create an economy of autonomous agents for a plethora of industries, from transport to supply chains.

Track the evolving Fetch.ai to US Dollar price in real time on this page, understanding its current and potential value in the digital economy.

Who invented FET? 

Fetch.ai was launched in 2017 by a team of experts from various fields, including blockchain, AI, and machine learning, with Humayun Sheikh, Toby Simpson, and Thomas Hain as the project’s co-founders.

How Fetch.ai Works

Fetch.ai is built upon a high-throughput sharded ledger and utilizes AI and machine learning at its core to enable smart infrastructure built around a decentralized digital economy. Here's how it functions:

  • Autonomous Economic Agents (AEAs): Fetch.ai's ecosystem is powered by AEAs that operate independently and represent owners, services, or data. They perform tasks such as data sharing or services autonomously.

  • Smart Ledger: Transactions within Fetch.ai are recorded on a next-generation ledger, designed not just for recording transactions but also for supporting complex algorithms and smart contracts.

  • Collective Learning: The platform allows devices, agents, and services to come together to solve complex problems, creating a learning network where decisions are optimized over time.

By delving into the intricacies of Fetch.ai's network, one can appreciate the factors influencing the FET price USD and the coin's overall worth.

How will FET price change in the future? 

The future price movement of FET is tied to Fetch.ai's advancements and broader market trends.

With the IoT and AI sectors poised for growth, Fetch.ai's contribution to this landscape could be significant. It stands at the intersection of technology and utility, potentially increasing the Fetch.ai worth as adoption grows. Nevertheless, note that this is merely speculation and does not guarantee a prosperous future for FET.

While we can speculate based on current information and trends, the crypto market's volatility makes precise predictions challenging. Keep an eye on the Paybis FET price chart for live updates and make informed decisions based on a range of sources.


What is the price of one Fetch.ai? 

The price of one Fetch.ai is not constant. You can refer to the Paybis price chart at the top of this page to stay up-to-date with the real-time price of 1 FET.

Who has most Fetch.ai? 

The distribution of FET tokens is not publicly available information. Large holders, often called "whales," may influence the market, but exact details can be private.

How much Fetch.ai is left? 

FET does not have a maximum supply limit. Hence, the number of Fetch.ai left is theoretically infinite. The stats under Paybis FET price chart provide live FET supply.

Can Fetch.ai reach $10? 

Price predictions are speculative, especially in the crypto market. While Fetch.ai could reach $10, it would depend on various factors like adoption, market sentiment, and tech developments. Always conduct thorough research before making investment decisions.