
MaidSafeCoin Price

$0.28 0.000%
Market cap$126,714,675.36
Volume (24h)$1.204
Highest price (24h)$0.28
Circulating supply452,552,412 MAID

What info is displayed on MAID price chart? 

The Paybis MAID price chart displays the following data:

  • Live MAID price

  • Current Market Cap of MAID

  • 24hr Volume of MAID

  • Highest price of MAID in the last 24 hours

  • Circulating supply of MAID

  • Price of MAID in 50+ fiat currencies

This comprehensive data set is your go-to for an in-depth view of the MaidSafeCoin market situation for MAID to USD analysis.

MaidSafeCoin price today 

MaidSafeCoin today stands as a pivotal component of the SAFE Network's vision for a secure, decentralized internet. 

While the MaidSafeCoin price now reflects the market's current valuation, its significance extends beyond mere numbers, touching upon data security, privacy, and the evolving web. 

To track MAID's price movements, consider the following with our Paybis price chart:

  • Customizable Timeframes: Examine MAID's performance from hourly to yearly metrics.

  • Multiple Currencies: Assess MaidSafeCoin value against numerous global currencies.

  • Live Updates: Stay informed with real-time data on MAID's market cap and volume. 

Embrace the insights offered by our MaidSafeCoin price tracker to gauge the currency's current stature within the digital economy.

Analyzing MaidSafeCoin price trends 

The art of analyzing MaidSafeCoin's price involves a keen eye on its historical performance and the project's ongoing developments. 

With Paybis, even those new to cryptocurrency can easily observe MAID's price trends:

  • Real-Time Data: Paybis offers live updates for insightful analysis.

  • Historical Context: Understand past fluctuations to predict potential future movements.

  • Market Indicators: Study volume and market cap trends to recognize trading opportunities. Employing the Paybis price chart for MAID enables both novices and experts to discern the nuances of market behavior.

What is MaidSafeCoin? 

MaidSafeCoin is a digital currency that fuels the SAFE (Secure Access For Everyone) Network, an ambitious project aimed at creating a secure and decentralized data storage platform. This initiative strives to protect user data from thefts, hacks, and censorship. 

MaidSafeCoin (MAID) serves as the medium of exchange on the SAFE Network, allowing users to buy and sell storage space and other services. 

By using our platform, you can follow the MaidSafeCoin calculator and graph for live price and witness how it responds to market dynamics.

Who invented MAID? 

MaidSafeCoin was launched in 2014 by Scottish engineer David Irvine and his company MaidSafe, which he founded with the mission of securing the world's data.

How MaidSafeCoin Works 

MaidSafeCoin operates within the SAFE Network's ecosystem, which is designed to offer secure and private data storage. 

The SAFE Network autonomously allocates resources, rewards users for providing storage capacity, and penalizes malicious behavior. 

Here's how MAID integrates into this system:

  • Resource Exchange: Users can offer their computer's excess storage capacity to the network in return for MAID, incentivizing participation.

  • Autonomous Network: The SAFE Network's self-managing properties ensure that data is stored and retrieved without central oversight.

  • Privacy and Security: By encrypting and chopping up files before distributing them across the network, MAID guarantees privacy and security for users' data. Utilize Paybis to monitor the MaidSafeCoin value and understand the unique aspects of this innovative platform.

How will MAID price change in the future? 

The future of MaidSafeCoin's price is as intricate and unpredictable as the cryptocurrency market itself. Influenced by the SAFE Network's progress, technological advances, user adoption, and broader market trends, MAID's value will continue to evolve. While predicting precise future prices is challenging, monitoring the Paybis MAID price chart provides a snapshot of current standings and market sentiments. Such analysis, coupled with project developments, can offer insights but not certainties. Always consider market volatility and conduct thorough research before making investment decisions.


What is the price of one MaidSafeCoin?

The price of one MaidSafeCoin is continually changing due to market conditions. Please refer to the Paybis price chart above for the latest price movements and trends.

Who has the most MaidSafeCoin?

Identifying who holds the most MaidSafeCoin is not publicly disclosed for privacy reasons. The distribution of MAID is subject to the privacy policies of individual holders and exchanges.

How much MaidSafeCoin is left?

Reportedly, there are no more MAID tokens left to mine. The maximum supply, i.e., 452.55 million tokens, are already in circulation.

Will MAID price increase?

There is no surefire way to say if MAID price will increase. However, you can analyze the MaidSafeCoin price on your own using the Paybis price chart and come to a reasonable conclusion. We recommend you consult a financial expert for such advice.