Meta Price
$0.0199 0.000%
Market cap$2,135,962.59
Volume (24h)$36.71
Highest price (24h)$0.02533
Circulating supply87,634,640.911 MTA
mStable Governance Token: Meta (MTA) (MTA) is a cryptocurrency and operates on the Ethereum platform. mStable Governance Token: Meta (MTA) has a current supply of 99,995,244.58572492 with 17,336,543.52700985 in circulation. The last known price of mStable Governance Token: Meta (MTA) is 0.9307265 USD and is down -18.52 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 36 active market(s) with $8,820,570.10 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
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