Serum Price

$0.0229 -5.372%
Market cap$227,828,398.32
Volume (24h)$39,142.94
Highest price (24h)$0.0248
Circulating supply9,992,473,610.555 SRM

Serum Price

The Serum price has seen a high level of volatility as well as spikes throughout its history but has still maintained the attention as well as its appeal for a lot of cryptocurrency investors mainly since it has a high transaction throughput (transactions per second).

Serum as a cryptocurrency can be held in a wallet, traded, and exchanged. However, it is also cross-listed as an ERC-20 fungible token, which means it can collaborate in native exchanges that support tokens based on Ethereum. Serum is implemented on Solana as a blockchain, which makes its transaction speed extremely quick, all of which contribute to the SRM price chart.

Serum was a project founded in August of 2020, which means that the Serum price history can be traced back to 2020. Serum is a decentralized exchange software built on to pof Solana where cryptocurrencies can be bought or sold by traders and aim to increase scalability and speed, all of which is powered by SRM, which contributes to the Serum worth.

Serum price movements

This Serum price chart is a great way through which you can start analyzing the current Serum price movements.

Throughout the past few months, the price of Serum has largely remained volatile, where it saw sudden increases or decreases in value. The Serum price has however managed to maintain the broader market trend, meaning that none of its price behavior is much different when compared to other cryptocurrencies, which is reflected in the Serum price now.

Serum price tracker

Our Serum price tracker is intuitive to the point where just about anyone will be able to use it. These are just some features you don't want to miss:

  • Live SRM price means you always get access to the latest updates for the token.

  • View SRM price USD and a multitude of different local currencies to make a proper analysis.

  • Gain access to the historical Serum price data in just a few clicks.

This tool is part of Paybis, a fiat-to-crypto exchange that's dedicated to making crypto easy and accessible. We also provide convenient tools such as a Serum calculator or a dedicated Serum to USD converter – check them out!

Using Serum

The SRM value arises from the fact it is the utility token on the Serum DEX. It is attractive to many investors due to its unique scalability, and Ethereum interoperability. SRM appeals to investors that want to diversify their portfolios. SRM is also Solana-based and has tremendous scalability as a result.

Serum price today

Paybis does not provide investment advice, and is not in a position to give you the information surrounding the future of SRM, and if the Serum price today provides a solid opportunity for purchase or sales. 

However, Paybis offers access to all and any information you might need to make a well-educated decision for yourself, from price trackers to calculators and anything else you can use.