Swap USDC (Base) to APE

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How to Swap USD Coin (Base) to ApeCoin

Swap USDC (Base) to APE in 3 steps

Paybis Swap is one of the most user-friendly and intuitive platforms on the market that allows users to effectively and directly swap USD Coin to ApeCoin.
Follow the steps below:
  1. On top of this page enter the amount of USD Coin (Base) you want to swap for APE or vice versa.
  2. Choose the wallet where you want to receive ApeCoin and provide details.
  3. Send crypto (USD Coin on Base chain) to the specified address and wait to receive your swapped asset soon after transaction confirmation.
And that’s how to swap USDC to APE on Paybis.

What Is Crypto Swapping?

Cryptocurrency swapping is the process of exchanging one cryptocurrency for another directly within the platform, without the need to first convert to fiat currency.

Traditionally, to swap USD Coin on Base chain to ApeCoin, you first had to sell USDC for fiat currency and then use that fiat currency to buy APE.

Now, with Paybis Swap, you can bypass the multiple steps associated with off-ramping and on-ramping, and get the crypto you want from the crypto you already have!

Why Convert USD Coin (Base) to ApeCoin?

While we cannot provide a global answer from an investment perspective, converting USD Coin (Base) to ApeCoin has some advantages in terms of efficiency and usability.

Rather than having to first off-ramp USDC on Base chain to fiat and then on-ramp APE, users can do it all in one step. This helps save platform fees, which otherwise would be applied twice.

Further, with Paybis Wallet, the entire experience becomes much more smoother.

Do Paybis crypto swaps work with all crypto wallets?

Yes. Paybis Swap works with any crypto wallet.

You have to ensure that you can send the funds from the crypto wallet and receive another crypto to your wallet. Both wallets can be different ones (applications, one hardware one software, or both different hardware wallets).

If you use Paybis Wallet, swapping crypto becomes even easier as you do not have to send crypto or paste the crypto address manually. Everything happens within your dashboard intuitively!

Note that this is not the same as swapping on a decentralized exchange. We’d argue it is even better!

Swap crypto with Paybis today.