Swap USDT (ERC20) to USDС (Base)

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How to Swap Tether (Ethereum) to USD Coin (Base)

Swap USDT (ERC20) for USDC (Base) Instantly on Paybis

Swapping USDT (ERC20) for USDC (Base) should be as smooth as butter and with Paybis, it truly is. 

Paybis takes safety seriously and adheres to top global standards. Even if you're just starting in crypto you shouldn't find it difficult to swap USDT (ERC20) to USDC (Base) as it's just a few clicks. 

Follow these four simple steps to learn how to swap USDT (ERC20) to USDC (Base) instantly:
  1. Sign up and breeze through the quick KYC verification if requested.
  2. Select USDT (ERC20) and USDC (Base), then enter your desired swap amount.
  3. Input your USDC (Base) wallet address and review your details.
  4. Confirm the swap, send your USDT (ERC20), and watch your USDC (Base) arrive swiftly.
Forget the confusion on how to swap Tether (ERC20) for USD Coin (Base) — Paybis makes it effortlessly easy.

What is Base? Why Swap USDT (ERC20) for USDC (Base) on Paybis?

Base is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum which offers lower transaction fees and faster processing times. 

Converting USDT (ERC20) to USDC (Base) on Paybis provides several advantages. 
  1. It reduces transaction costs, making your transfers more economical. 
  2. Base’s efficient network ensures quicker transactions compared to Ethereum’s mainnet. 
  3. Paybis simplifies this process with a user-friendly interface and robust security measures 
When you convert USDT (ERC20) to USDC (Base) you can enjoy faster, cheaper transactions while benefiting from the platform’s secure and reliable service.

How to Swap USDT (ERC20) for USDC (Base) using a Hardware Wallet on Paybis?

To swap USDT (ERC20) for USDC (Base) using a hardware wallet on Paybis, follow these steps:
  1. Connect your hardware wallet to your computer and open the Paybis platform.
  2. Sign up or log in to your Paybis account and complete KYC verification if requested.
  3. Select USDT (ERC20) as the asset you want to swap and choose USDC (Base) to receive.
  4. Enter the swap amount and Paybis will display a wallet address for the USDT (ERC20) transfer.
  5. Transfer USDT (ERC20) from your hardware wallet to the provided address.
  6. Confirm the swap and wait for your USDC (Base) to arrive.

Are There Hidden Fees to Convert Tether (ERC20) to USD Coin (Base)?

No, there are no hidden fees when you convert Tether (ERC20) to USD Coin (Base) on Paybis. 

Paybis is transparent about its fees and displays them clearly before you finalize the transaction. This upfront disclosure allows you to know exactly what you'll be paying and ensures there are no surprises. 

Paybis Swap aims to provide a straightforward and honest service so you can confidently complete your swap with a clear understanding of the costs involved. 

This transparency is part of Paybis’s commitment to delivering a reliable and user-friendly experience.