Converting WBTC to USD in a few simple steps

Quickly check the latest conversion rates of the WBTC USD pair by using the tool above. Keep track of the latest prices or check how much WBTC you can buy with a specific budget, by following these steps:

  • Start by scrolling up to the top of the page. You will see the tool that enables you to convert Wrapped Bitcoin to US dollar value.

  • Fill in the amount on either the left or right input field based on your preference, and the tool will automatically convert and show the amount into the field you leave empty. For example, you can convert one Wrapped Bitcoin to dollar value, or check how much WBTC you can buy based on your USD budget. In the latest example, you will be using the WBTC to dollar calculator in reverse.

  • Note that Paybis tracks the latest rates of multiple cryptocurrencies and compares them with a large selection of fiat currencies. To change your selection click on WBTC on the left field or USD on the right field, to unfold a drop-down menu. Then, choose from the available options to change the input criteria of the caluclator.

Wrapped Bitcoin to USD price tracking benefits

There are several advantages to investors who choose to use this WBTC/USD conversion page. Let’s have a look at some of them below:

  • By converting Wrapped Bitcoin to USD you can check the latest price changes without having to make a transaction.

  • You can spot fluctuations in the WBTC price. This helps you discover short-term opportunities to buy or sell your coins into USD, or Ethereum-native stablecoins.

  • Apart from converting Wrapped Bitcoin to USD, you can use this page to convert a number of cryptocurrencies into your preferred currency. This will help you expand your options as your investment portfolio continues to grow.

  • When scrolling at the bottom of this WBTC calculator, you can also click on preselected amounts or other popular pairs. You can check the value of partial WBTC as well (e.g. 0.0001 WBTC to USD).

  • Most importantly, you make use of a simplified interface that helps you get the latest price rates without being forced into a transaction. If you wish to purchase WBTC, you can do so by clicking on the “Buy now” button under the input fields.

What is Wrapped Bitcoin, and how is it different from Bitcoin?

Wrapped Bitcoin is essentially a representation of Bitcoin (ERC-20 token) that can be used on the Ethereum network. Every WBTC token is backed by one BTC and integrates with all decentralized applications, smart contracts, and other financial products on Ethereum.

Hence, if you are wondering about the current WBTC to USD ratio, keep in mind that the token has the exact same price as BTC. The only difference is its blockchain and the number of tokens in circulation.
Users that wish to benefit in this way can either:

  • Buy WBTC on centralized exchanges, like Paybis.

  • Exchange BTC for WBTC on decentralized exchanges like Uniswap.

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