API3 Price

$0.858 -4.877%
Market cap$125,656,777.47
Volume (24h)$13,093,056.76
Highest price (24h)$0.9189
Circulating supply147,307,338.011 API3

What info is displayed on API3 price chart? 

The Paybis API3 price chart displays the following data:

  • Live API3 price

  • Current Market Cap of API3

  • 24hr Volume of API3

  • Highest price of API3 in last 24 hours

  • Circulating supply of API3

  • Price of API3 in 50+ fiat currencies

Need to calculate API3 price in your currency? Use our API3 calculator.

API3 price today 

The API3 price today reflects its growing role in bridging the gap between traditional APIs and the blockchain world. The Paybis price chart offers real-time API3 price updates and features for users to:

  • Observe current and historical API3 to USD price trends.

  • Compare API3 price against various fiat currencies.

  • Access market data like market cap, trading volume, and circulating supply.

Analyzing API3 price trends 

Analyzing the price trends of API3 is crucial for understanding its impact and potential in the decentralized oracle space. 

Paybis' API3 price chart is a valuable tool, offering insights into the cryptocurrency's performance over different timeframes. 

Remember, cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile, making accurate long-term price predictions challenging.

What is API3? 

API3 is a decentralized API (dAPI) network that aims to allow decentralized applications (dApps) to access real-world data in a trust-minimized way. 

It focuses on creating a new generation of blockchain-native, decentralized APIs, or dAPIs, which are fully governed and operated by a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization). 

API3's native token, also named API3, is used for governance, staking, and participating in the network's operations. 

Tracking the API3 price offers insights into its adoption and valuation in the blockchain ecosystem.

Who invented API3?

API3 was founded by a diverse group of industry professionals and blockchain enthusiasts, including Heikki Vänttinen and Burak Benligiray. The project was launched to address the limitations of traditional oracles by providing a decentralized and secure method for dApps to access real-world data.

How API3 Works 

API3 brings a unique approach to the oracle problem in blockchain by:

  • Decentralized APIs (dAPIs): API3 enables direct integration of APIs into smart contracts without intermediaries.

  • Data Feeds: The network offers reliable, decentralized data feeds for various blockchain applications.

  • Governance: API3 token holders participate in decision-making processes via the DAO, influencing the network’s development.

  • Security: API3 provides secure data transmission, reducing the risk of manipulation common in centralized oracles.

  • DAO Operations: The API3 DAO manages the development and operation of the network, ensuring its decentralized nature.

How will API3 price change in the future?

The future price of API3 will likely be influenced by the adoption and success of its decentralized oracle solutions, developments in the broader blockchain and DeFi space, and overall market conditions. 

As decentralized oracles become increasingly important for blockchain applications, API3’s role could significantly affect its demand and value. 

However, given the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies, investors should keep abreast of the latest developments and market trends. Regular consultation of the Paybis API3 price chart is recommended for up-to-date information and analysis.


What is the price of 1 API3?

The current price of one API3 token can be found on the Paybis price chart. This price is subject to change due to the dynamic nature of cryptocurrency markets

Who has the most API3?

API3 DAO is the largest holder of API3. This is publicly verifiable on any blockchain explorer.

How much API3 is left?

There is no indication of a maximum supply limit for API3, suggesting that the total number of tokens might increase in the future based on the token's emission schedule or governance decisions​.