Augur Price

$0.637 +0.157%
Market cap$1,888,560.43
Volume (24h)$13,918.37
Highest price (24h)$0.677
Circulating supply2,964,773.038 REP

What info is displayed on REP price chart?

The Paybis REP price chart displays the following data:

  • Live REP price

  • Current Market Cap of REP

  • 24hr Volume of REP

  • Highest price of REP in the last 24 hours

  • Circulating supply of REP

  • Price of REP in 50+ fiat currencies

Our REP calculator is your friend for instant Augur to fiat conversion checks.

Augur price today 

While the Augur price is ever-changing, the significance of REP remains steadfast within the Augur ecosystem.

To stay updated:

  • Refer to the time frame options to analyze short-term or long-term trends

  • Use the currency conversion tool to see REP price in various fiat currencies

  • The live tracker offers a holistic view of the Augur price now, including market cap and volume stats.

Analyzing Augur price trends 

Deciphering price trends for REP is critical for participants in prediction markets. Paybis' REP to USD price chart is an excellent resource, providing:

  • A snapshot of the Augur value over time

  • Insights into the liquidity and market activity of REP

  • The ability to forecast potential price movements based on historical data

What is Augur?

Augur is a decentralized prediction market platform built on the Ethereum blockchain. 

It allows users to create and bet on the outcomes of real-world events. The premise is simple: "Wisdom of the Crowd" aggregated through a marketplace of predictions. Augur's native token, REP, is used to create bets, dispute outcomes, and incentivize correct reporting. 

Tracking Augur price gives investors insight into the market's belief in the platform's future.

Who invented REP? 

Augur was created by Jack Peterson and Joey Krug. It also received early support from Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin.

How Augur Works 

Augur combines the magic of prediction markets with the power of a decentralized network. It allows users to buy or sell shares in the outcome of an event. 

The prices of these shares reflect the market's probability of the event occurring. Augur's trustless setup ensures fair play and eliminates the need for a central authority. 

The REP token incentivizes users to report and dispute event outcomes accurately, helping maintain the ecosystem's integrity.

How will REP price change in the future? 

Augur's utility in forecasting events makes it intriguing for speculators and market enthusiasts. As the ecosystem matures, and more users engage, REP's price could reflect the increasing value of decentralized market predictions. 

Remember, cryptocurrency markets are volatile, and while Augur's project shows promise, its future price will be influenced by broader market trends and its own platform advancements.


What is the price of one Augur (REP)?

To see the most current price of REP, please view the chart above. Remember, prices fluctuate frequently due to market dynamics.

Who has the most Augur (REP)?

Exchanges like Coinbase and Kraken have the most Augur (REP).

How much REP is left?

Augur does not have a maximum supply limit. The current circulating supply can be found under Paybis REP price chart.

How many people own 1 Augur (REP)?

Specific ownership data is not public, but distribution can be inferred from the on-chain data available on the Ethereum blockchain. There are about 20,000 REP token holders (unique wallet addresses).

What is the highest price of Augur in history?

The all-time highest price of Augur (REP) was $123.24 on January 11, 2018. Watch the Paybis REP price chart in case this record is broken.