
BitTorrent Price

$0.00000085 -1.163%
Market cap$838,438,267.94
Volume (24h)$32,937,305.47
Highest price (24h)$0.00000089
Circulating supply990,000,000,000,000 BTT

What is BitTorrent?

BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing protocol that enables users to distribute data and electronic files over the Internet in a decentralized manner. To send or receive files, users use a BitTorrent client on their Internet-connected computer.
BitTorrent is one of the most popular P2P file-sharing protocols and is used to share a wide variety of files, including movies, music, software, and games. However, it is important to note that BitTorrent can also be used to share copyrighted material illegally.
BTT is the token used for the BitTorrent Protocol. It was created to facilitate faster transactions and better incentives on the network while providing a way to monetize file sharing. Track BTT price with Paybis here.

Who invented BTT

BitTorrent was developed by Bram Cohen in 2001. In 2006, Cohen founded BitTorrent Inc., which owns the code base for the popular file-sharing protocol. In 2018, the TRON Foundation acquired BitTorrent Inc., and launched the BTT token on its blockchain.

How BitTorrent works

BitTorrent works by breaking a file into small pieces, called "chunks," and then distributing those chunks to other users who are also downloading the file. This allows for faster downloads, as the chunks can be downloaded from multiple sources simultaneously.
The user first downloads a small file called a "torrent" file. This file contains information about the file they want to download, such as the name of the file, the size of the file, and the list of other users who are currently downloading or uploading the file.
The user's BitTorrent client then connects to those other users and begins downloading the file. The file is downloaded in small pieces, and the pieces can be downloaded from multiple sources simultaneously. This allows for faster downloads.
Once the file is downloaded, the user's BitTorrent client will automatically start uploading (seeding) the file to other users. This helps to keep the BitTorrent network running and allows other users to download the file faster.

What info is displayed on BTT price chart?

The Paybis BTT price chart displays the following data:

  • Live BTT price
  • Current Market Cap of BTT
  • 24hr Volume of BTT
  • Highest price of BTT in last 24 hours
  • Circulating supply of BTT
  • Price of BTT in 50+ fiat currencies

Use this data to get an overview of the BTT crypto market.

BitTorrent price today

You can track the BitTorrent price now on Paybis using the easy-to-read BTT price tracker and BitTorrent calculator. Here, you will get access to the current BitTorrent price, BitTorrent price history, and a lot more.
To customize the chart's timeframes, currency, and tracked data, utilize the BTT filter located at the top of the page.

  • Observe trends of the BitTorrent price today, weekly, monthly, annual, or longer timeframes
  • Calculate BTT price in USD or any of the 50+ available fiat currencies
  • Check the BitTorrent price tracker live, including the market cap, 24hr volume, peak price, and circulating supply

With the help of Paybi's BitTorrent price chart, you can track the BTT price in real-time and never miss out on important analytics like the current market capitalization, the highest price within the last 24 hours, and the existing circulating supply.

Learn about converting BTT to USD here.

Analyzing BitTorrent price trends

Paybis also provides users with the ease of tracking historical BitTorrent price trends.
Analyze the 24-hour range by using the customizable chart on our website. This will let you observe which period had the highest and lowest rates, giving you an insight into when to buy or sell BTT cryptocurrency. But remember that past performance does not guarantee future returns.
By staying up-to-date with the latest BitTorrent news and changes, you can make informed decisions about when to make your move on the crypto market. Start tracking the real-time BTT price USD today with Paybis.
You can get an accurate view of BTT value in 45+ fiat currencies almost instantly with the Paybis BTT price chart.

How will BTT price change in the future?

It’s impossible to predict how the BTT price will change in the future. While there are some key trends that can help guide your decisions, there is no guarantee that these trends will continue or repeat in the future.
That being said, tracking the price of BitTorrent and staying up-to-date with news and developments can give you a good idea of BTT worth.
Given that BitTorrent's use case focuses on content distribution, its price is likely to be heavily impacted by developments in the entertainment industry.
As more people use BitTorrent for legitimate reasons, it could result in an increase in demand and, thus, a rise in the BTT price.