$4.144 +0.003%
Market cap$414,410,422.50
Volume (24h)$94,141.23
Highest price (24h)$4.144
Circulating supply99,999,999.639 LYXE

What info is displayed on LYXE price chart?

The Paybis LYXE price chart presents:

  • Live LYXE price
  • Current Market Cap of LYXE
  • 24hr Volume of LYXE
  • Highest price of LYXE in the last 24 hours
  • Circulating supply of LYXE
  • Price of LYXE in 50+ fiat currencies

This data provides a comprehensive overview of LUKSO’s current market status and helps users make informed decisions.


LUKSO price today

The LUKSO price today is affected by several factors, including its adoption, technological advancements, and overall trends in the blockchain and targeted industries. Observing the LUKSO price allows users to:

  • Assess Market Position: Understand the current market dynamics and navigate investment strategies effectively.
  • Identify Opportunities: Utilize LUKSO price data to identify potential trading and investment opportunities.
  • Make Informed Decisions: Engage with the Paybis LYXE price tracker for live updates and ensure your decisions are backed by real-time data.

Stay updated with LUKSO’s market conditions using the Paybis LUKSO price tracker or LYXE calculator.


Analyzing LUKSO price trends

Analyzing LYXE price trends is crucial for understanding its market behavior and making informed decisions. The Paybis LUKSO price chart allows users to:

  • Understand Market Movements: Observe LYXE price patterns across different timeframes.
  • Conduct Comparative Analysis: Convert LYXE prices into various fiat currencies for comparative analysis.
  • Strategize Investments: Develop investment strategies based on accurate and up-to-date data. While data analysis is pivotal, ensure to approach investments with caution and implement diversified strategies to manage risks effectively.

What is LUKSO?

LUKSO, symbolized as LYXE, is a blockchain ecosystem focused on facilitating the new digital lifestyle, where physical and virtual life merges into one.

Envisioned by Fabian Vogelsteller, one of the developers of the ERC-20 and ERC-725 standards, LUKSO targets fashion, gaming, design, and social media spheres, aiming to bring the benefits of blockchain to these industries.

The LUKSO price reflects its position in the market and potential utility within its targeted industries.

Explore this page for real-time data and insights into the LYXE to USD price.


Who invented LUKSO?

LUKSO was founded by Fabian Vogelsteller, a prominent figure in the blockchain space due to his contribution to the development of Ethereum’s ERC-20 and ERC-725 standards.

LUKSO is designed as a multi-versatile blockchain network to meet the needs of the new digital lifestyle, spanning various industries including fashion, gaming, and design.


How LUKSO Works

LUKSO operates by:

  • Interoperability: Ensuring digital assets and identities can be used across various applications and platforms.
  • Tokenization: Enabling the creation of new digital assets, thus providing a new way to manage and trade value.
  • Digital Identity: Facilitating the creation of digital identities, and enhancing user interaction within the virtual and physical world. Tracking the LUKSO price, available on the Paybis price chart, allows users and investors to navigate through its dynamic ecosystem.

How will LYXE price change in the future?

The future price of LYXE will be influenced by its adoption in the industries it targets, technological advancements, and overall market trends in the blockchain space. As LUKSO continues to innovate and expand its user-friendly blockchain solutions, it will be vital to stay updated with the Paybis LYXE price chart and engage with community and development updates to comprehend potential future price movements.



What is the price of one LUKSO?

The LUKSO price chart at the top of this page clearly shows the live LYXE price. Use the information to make your purchase decision.

Who has the most LUKSO?

10% of LYXE is owned by a single address. This is more than 50% of the circulating LUKSO supply.

How much LUKSO is left?

18.6 million LYXE is currently circulating. The maximum supply of LUKSO is 100 million.

How many people own 1 LUKSO?

There are over 14,700 wallets with LUKSO. It is not possible to say how many people own 1 LUKSO as one person may own more than one wallet.

What is the highest price of LUKSO in history?

LUKSO briefly reached $91.05 in November 2021. If the price crosses this mark again, you can know it through the Paybis price chart.