
ApeCoin Price

$0.732 +3.919%
Market cap$732,004,817.94
Volume (24h)$49,057,707.32
Highest price (24h)$0.7357
Circulating supply1,000,000,000 APE

What Info is Displayed on APE Price Chart?

The Paybis APE price chart displays the following data:

  • Live APE price

  • Current Market Cap of APE

  • 24hr Volume of APE

  • Highest price of APE in the last 24 hours

  • Circulating supply of APE

  • Price of APE in 50+ fiat currencies

Check out APE to USD conversion rates on Paybis.

ApeCoin Price Today

The current ApeCoin price reflects its significance within the NFT and digital art communities. To track APE's price:

  • Customize Time Frames: View APE's price history on different scales, from hourly to yearly.

  • Multiple Currencies: Convert APE to USD or any other of the 50+ fiat currencies available.

  • Market Overview: Check live updates on market cap, volume, peak prices, and circulating supply.

Analyzing ApeCoin Price Trends

Analyzing APE's price trends is crucial for understanding its market position. Paybis' chart offers insights into:

  • Short-Term Fluctuations: Observe daily or weekly price changes.

  • Long-Term Patterns: Track monthly or annual trends to understand broader market movements.

  • Currency Conversion: Use the chart to convert APE to various fiat currencies, aiding in comparative analysis.

What is ApeCoin?

ApeCoin is a digital currency designed for the growing ecosystem around the popular Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFT collection.

It is an Ethereum-based token that facilitates transactions within this vibrant community. ApeCoin (APE) serves as a utility and governance token, allowing holders to participate in decisions affecting the ecosystem. 

The value of APE is dynamic, reflecting its role in this unique digital environment. 

Stay updated with the ApeCoin price using APE to USD tracker to monitor its real-time price movements.

Who Invented APE?

ApeCoin was launched by Yuga Labs, the creators behind the famed Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs. Yuga Labs aimed to extend the utility of their NFTs and foster a broader sense of community among BAYC members through APE.

How ApeCoin Works

ApeCoin operates on the Ethereum blockchain, leveraging the security and decentralization of this well-established platform. APE tokens can be used for:

  • Transactions and Payments: As a digital currency, APE can be used for buying, selling, and trading assets within the BAYC ecosystem.

  • Governance: Token holders have voting rights in the ApeCoin DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), influencing the direction and decisions of the ecosystem.

  • Access to Exclusives: Ownership of APE can grant access to exclusive events, services, and merchandise related to BAYC.

How Will APE Price Change in the Future?

APE's future price will be influenced by several factors:

  • NFT Market Trends: As APE is closely linked to the BAYC NFTs, shifts in the NFT market could impact its value.

  • Community Engagement: The level of activity and development within the BAYC community is key.

  • Broader Crypto Market Movements: General trends in the cryptocurrency market will also play a role.


Is there potential for ApeCoin price to rise?

The success of APE is greatly attributed to the underlying NFT project, BAYC. While the project has shown stellar growth, the hype fizzled out quite a bit in the bear market. If the project continues to garner attention and innovate, the value of APE may rise high.

Why should I buy APE?

Reasons to consider investing in ApeCoin include its association with the popular Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), listing by major crypto exchanges for easy accessibility, being part of the Ethereum ecosystem, and maintaining significant investor demand. APE also benefits from a positive reserve risk, massive community backing, and potential for growth in its ecosystem. Additionally, ApeCoin is easy to acquire and use, has utility in various applications like the Benji Banana game, is promoted through airdrops, backed by influential figures, and has potential in the metaverse.

How many people own 1 APE?

As of the latest available data, there are 136,150 holders of ApeCoin. It's important to note that this number reflects unique wallet addresses holding APE and does not necessarily equate to the number of individual people, as one person can hold APE in multiple wallets.

How much ApeCoin is available?

The total supply of ApeCoin is capped at 1 billion tokens. The current circulation and distribution can be tracked through cryptocurrency analytics platforms and blockchain explorers.