IDEX Price

$0.0372 -3.197%
Market cap$37,201,402.36
Volume (24h)$3,428,090.94
Highest price (24h)$0.03845
Circulating supply1,000,000,000 IDEX

What info is displayed on IDEX price chart?

The Paybis IDEX price chart includes:

  • Live IDEX price
  • Current Market Cap of IDEX
  • 24hr Volume of IDEX
  • Highest price of IDEX in the last 24 hours
  • Circulating supply of IDEX
  • Price of IDEX in 50+ fiat currencies

This data provides users with a snapshot of IDEX’s current market position, assisting in informed decision-making.


IDEX price today

The IDEX price today is shaped by various factors, including the platform's adoption, technological enhancements, and the overall trends in the decentralized trading sector. Observing the IDEX price allows users to:

  • Assess Market Position: Understand IDEX's current market dynamics and adjust investment strategies accordingly.
  • Identify Opportunities: Utilize IDEX price data to recognize potential trading and investment opportunities.
  • Make Informed Decisions: Engage with the Paybis IDEX price tracker for live updates and ensure decisions are based on real-time data. Stay updated with IDEX’s market conditions using the Paybis IDEX price tracker.

Analyzing IDEX price trends

Analysis of IDEX price trends is essential for understanding its market behavior and making informed decisions. The Paybis IDEX price chart enables users to:

  • Understand Market Movements: Observe IDEX price patterns across different timeframes.
  • Conduct Comparative Analysis: Convert IDEX prices into various fiat currencies for comparative analysis.
  • Strategize Investments: Develop investment strategies based on accurate and up-to-date data. While data analysis is fundamental, ensure to approach investments with caution and implement diversified strategies to manage risks effectively.

What is IDEX?

IDEX is a decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the Ethereum blockchain, offering users a secure and transparent platform for trading Ethereum-based tokens (ERC-20).

IDEX combines the speed and user experience of centralized exchanges with the security advantages of a decentralized platform.

The native token, IDEX, serves various purposes within the IDEX ecosystem. The IDEX price is indicative of its utility, acceptance, and the platform's overall standing within the decentralized trading community.

This page offers real-time insights and data on the IDEX to USD price, aiding users in making informed decisions.


Who invented IDEX?

IDEX was developed and launched by Aurora DAO, a group dedicated to building decentralized financial platforms.

Their vision was to bring together the best aspects of centralized and decentralized exchanges, ensuring a seamless and secure trading experience for users.


How IDEX Works

IDEX operates by:

  • Smart Contract Integration: Facilitating trades directly on the Ethereum blockchain, ensuring security and transparency.
  • Off-Chain Order Book: Matching trades off-chain to provide a faster and smoother trading experience.
  • User-Controlled Funds: Giving users control over their funds until the moment of trade execution.

Understanding the IDEX price, available on the Paybis price chart, is critical for participants and traders using the IDEX platform.


How will IDEX price change in the future?

The future price of IDEX will be influenced by its adoption, technological advancements, and the general trends in the DEX space.

As IDEX continues to enhance its platform and features, it will be crucial to stay updated with the Paybis IDEX price chart and keep abreast of community and platform updates to understand potential future price movements.

You can also use the Paybis IDEX calculator to help with purchase decisions in the future.



What is the price of one IDEX?

The price of 1 IDEX is not constant. Refer to the Paybis IDEX price chart for accurate information.

Who has the most IDEX?

Major IDEX holders might include the Aurora DAO team, early investors, and cryptocurrency funds. Detailed distribution data can be accessed on various blockchain explorers.

How much IDEX is left?

Details about IDEX’s remaining supply can be found on its official website or blockchain explorers, providing insight into its circulating and total supply.

How many people own 1 IDEX?

There are over 15,500 unique wallets holding IDEX tokens. Of these, over 14,400 addresses hold at least 1 IDEX. Note that one person may own more than one wallet.

What is the highest price of IDEX in history?

IDEX all-time high was $0.9745 per token in September 2021.