Cronos Wallet

Everything you need for crypto — all in one place

Get a free, secure and reliable crypto wallet with Paybis

What is a Cronos wallet

If you're just starting out with Cronos, you may be wondering what is a Cronos wallet, why do you need one and how do you pick theright CRO wallet for yourself. Let's find out.

Basically, a crypto wallet – including a CRO wallet – is a unique identifier identifying you as the owner of your crypto. It has a unique address; when someone sends CRO to this address, it'll arrive in your Cronos wallet. It also has a private key. Anyone who has access to your private key has access to your wallet, so you must keep it safe.

Wallets come in many forms. Picking one over the other can feel like a difficult decision. Consider what you need. Safety must be your top priority, so pick the safest Cronos wallet for your crypto. Other than that, consider the user experience and how you'll use your wallet.

At Paybis, we've created a safe, simple and absolutely free Cronos wallet you can access right from your browser. Read on to see how to get started!

Opening a Cronos wallet

We offer an online Cronos wallet, which means you can access it right from your browser. You don't need any special device or app, but you do need a Paybis profile. Click here if you don't have one already.

Once you've logged in, there are three simple ways how you can get your free CRO wallet:

  • Go to “Wallets” tab and click “Add wallet”;

  • Hit the “Open wallet” button on this page;

  • A wallet will be automatically created as you proceed to checkout.

No matter which option you choose, you'll have a free, fully featured and secure Cronos wallet in just a few seconds!

Using your CRO wallet

We've found out what is a Cronos wallet and how do you get one. But what can you do with your CRO wallet?

First, you may want to add some crypto to it. You can deposit your crypto from an outside source using your public address – click Deposit to view it.

You can also get some crypto right here on the Paybis exchange! Your transaction will be fast, simple and safe, and your crypto will be in your Cronos wallet just as soon as the transaction clears.

Of course, you can also send your crypto to another CRO wallet – there are no withdrawal fees or restrictions.

Or you may simply HODL it, knowing that your crypto is safe and always accessible.

Whether or not this CRO wallet suits you depends on your unique needs and preferences. Why not sign up and find out?

Supported Assets

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